23.10.2024 21:37
Arrival at inward office of exchange
Yiwu cross-border operational department, Jinhua city
20.10.2024 03:38
Arrived at [Hangzhou international mail exchange station] (transit)
16.10.2024 09:39
Accepted by carrier
CA, CARSON, 90747
12.10.2024 15:40
city international center facility, Tongling
08.10.2024 21:40
Item being processed in country of origin
John F. Kennedy Apt/New York
05.10.2024 03:41
Received by the carrier
Ratnagiri H.O
01.10.2024 09:42
In Transit
International Hub
27.09.2024 15:43
Arrival at facilities
CA, GARDENA, 90248
23.09.2024 21:43
Dispatched from Office of Exchange
Putian city mail district center, Putian city
20.09.2024 03:44
Arrival at inward office of exchange
United States, United States
16.09.2024 09:45
Depature from Local Sorting Center
Los Angeles USA, Los Angeles USA
12.09.2024 15:46
Flight Departure
Shatian Town
08.09.2024 21:47
[US] out for delivery
Guangzhou International Mail Processing Center, Guangzhou city
05.09.2024 03:47
In Transit to Next Facility
01.09.2024 09:48
The item has been delivered successfully
28.08.2024 15:49
Depature from Local Sorting Center
Posti kuljetus
24.08.2024 21:50
Arrival at Regional Sorting Center
Fuzhou Changle International Apt
Tracking numbers examples: